Welcome !

Welcome to Troop 665's website!

We meet on Sundays 4:00-5:30 PM at Temple Sinai in Dresher, PA
We welcome Boys and Girls in grades 6-12.
Troop 665 is a primarily Jewish troop who keeps Kosher for all trips and events, but we welcome anyone who wishes to join us.

For more information, please use our Contact us form.

Говорите на русском?

Пожалуйста свяжитесь с нами и мы предоставим Вам контакт русскоговорящего представителя.

Do you speak Russian?

Please contact us and we will provide you with the contact information of our Russian-speaking member.


Our troop flyer is available below to download.

Please make sure your information is correct in your member profile. Especially Medical info and Allergies listed under custom fields.

Remember to check the top right Register list on the home page for upcoming events and RSVP your attendance. We will be using this method of registration instead of Evites moving forward to centralize our communication efforts. This will help to cut down on emails and also provide one site for everything.

Check out the Links section for some great resources to help in advancement tracking and achievement!

Looking forward to a great year in Scouting!

troop665flyer.pdf251.84 KB

Congratulatios to our 29th Eagle Scout

Posted on Jul 24 2021 - 10:03pm

Lucas Ratson has earned his Eagle Scout rank!
The official Eagle COH is July 25th 2021. Attendance is available on Zoom.. Check our Facebook page for

New Service Project 1/24/2021

Posted on Jan 24 2021 - 4:20pm

We started on a new service project with Pack 498 at Tiferet Bet Israel in Bluebell it was a lot of fun and good to get outside in a covid19 safe mann

Our 28th Eagle Scout has hatched!

Posted on Aug 24 2019 - 1:32pm

Please join us to celebrate Matthew Cohen's Eagle COH!

Troop 665 is proud to announce that it has just hatched another Eagle Scout.

Posted on Sep 23 2018 - 4:45pm

Troop 665 is proud to announce that it has just hatched another Eagle Scout. Harrison Fink (Heshie) is the 27th Eagle Scout from Troop 665.

PA Child Protective Services Law

Posted on Dec 7 2016 - 4:39pm

Volunteers are requested to acquire the clearances listed below and upload this information to the council website.  See http://colbsa.org/palaw/ for more through discussion of requirements and actions to take.

Facebook group

Posted on Mar 27 2016 - 4:13pm

We have created a facebook group for the Troop to share photos on and other things... You must request access to the group at: https://www.facebook.com/groups/dreshertroop665/



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Scouts BSA Troop # 665

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